

Bespoke Garments

 Bespoke Garments

Bespoke garment is kind of premium clothing. Generally it is referred as haute couture, which means unique garment construction for single wearer. Mainly bespoke term is used in suit manufacturing. Bespoke is a completely different and luxurious than made to measure (MTM) and ready to wear (off the rack) clothing. Most of the people believe that bespoke and made to measure are the same term. But it is not, here’s why – 

Let’s see in brief how bespoke works 

1. Pattern making –

While making MTM and ready to wear clothing, manufacturer or pattern maker uses it’s standardized base patterns or modified patterns for cutting the fabric. But in case of bespoke, pattern maker takes the measurements of the client itself and creates a new patterns for garment, which will give you the best fitting than any other clothing. Pattern maker don’t use existing standardized base patterns or any modifications in it. The created patterns will be unique and will be suitable for that particular client only, this patterns may not fit to the other clients. 

2. Checking fitting –

Though in MTM the measurements of client has taken in the showroom, we can not check the fit until and unless client buys it and wear. Bespoke ensures the client of it’s clothes fit by checking the multiple fit while creation e.g. basted fitting, forward fitting, finished fitting, etc. This will give you the perfect fitting and will worth luxurious. This process gives the best fitting at the critical parts like armhole, shoulder slope, etc. which MTM does not give. For this client and pattern maker has to meet 3 to 4 times during the creation of garment.

3. Customisation –

Every client wants customisation in the product whether it is garment or other. In ready to wear customer can’t get customisation while in MTN the customisation design value is limited, because the pattern maker can’t make more changes in standardised base pattern. Bespoke gives wearer unlimited customisation in design as he/she wish. This is possible because pattern maker creates a new set of patterns for individual clients with customisation.

4. Fabric selection –

Bespoke offers vast range of fabric collection as compared to MTM and ready to wear. As bespoke gives customisation in design, features, style, fabric, etc. client can demand any fabric he/she want.

5. Price –

Above points have explained us that how bespoke offers every client vast customisation design value. This features of bespoke makes a garment luxurious and that's why bespoke have more price than MTM and ready to wear. The efforts, time consumption, costly material makes bespoke a premium category with higher cost.


Pic sourse - https://hespokestyle.com

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