

Made to Measure Garments (MTM)

 Made to Measure Garments (MTM)

Made to measure (MTM), the name itself tells us that a product is made by taking measurements. Nowadays MTM has been popularly growing overall the garment sectors. Everyone is now attracting towards the MTM. MTM can not gives all the features of Bespoke garment but can give some part of it in affordable price and that’s why nowadays people are preferring MTM shirts, MTM trouser, MTM suits, etc. Made to measure gives more precise fitting than ready to wear (off-the-rack). The MTM brands are Raymond, JCPenney, Peter England, Allen Solly, Ralf Lauren and many more.

• How made to measure (MTM) works –

1. Attracting clients

To get the orders, the organisation have to open showrooms (stores) in various town to attract the customers by showing the samples. The showroom must be capable of fulfil the needs of customers.

2. Taking measurements

When a client wants to place an order, store associate takes the measurements of the client and send to the pattern maker of the manufacturing unit.

3. Discussing about customisation

Along with measurements store associate also discuss about some customisation which client wants. In MTM customisation is limited. Client can select fabric, style, etc. from limited options e.g. number of buttons, pocket style, cuff style, button design, etc.

4. Manufacturing

When manufacturing unit gets the order details of measurements and specifications, it modifies the existing standardised base patterns to create new one. After completing the production, the manufacturing unit send the finished goods to the showroom.

5. Supply

After receiving the finished product, store associate sales them to the respective customers.

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