

Factors Affecting Productivity in Textile Industry

Factors Affecting Productivity

Productivity measures the output of production with respect to input. It can be measure by mathematical expression as 

     Productivity = Output / Input 

Productivity measures the efficiency of production process. Higher productivity allows organisation to pay higher wages and achieve increased profits at the same time. Thus every organisation always trying to improve it’s productivity.

Let’s discuss about factors influencing the productivity

Productivity can be affected by many different factors, out of which some are controllable while some are uncontrollable. These factors are as follows –

Controllable factors –

1. Product

Contributions, nature or type of product affect the productivity as simple design and less skill requirement results in increased productivity and vice versa.

2. Plant and equipment

To enhance productivity proper layout as well as proper tools are required. This will reduce your time of manufacturing and also enhance quality of the product.

3. Technology

As new generation has come into the technology, latest technology boost the product8. Industry 4.0 is the best example of use of latest technology.

4. Material and energy

Increasing efficiency the consumption of material and energy which will improve the productivity.

5. Human factor

Operator skills plays very important role in productivity. Increased skills and confidence of operators can boost productivity. 

6. Work method

Efficient work method makes work flow smooth, causes increased productivity.

Uncontrollable factors –

1. Government policies

Government policies and taxes are decided by the government authorities, which can not be changed.

2. Social and economical structure

Social and economical structure changes purchasing power human being. Their tradition, cultural value affects the overall productivity.


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