

Types of Sewing Machine Hook

Sewing Machine Hook

Hook is one of the important part of the sewing machine. Hook is fixed to the rotary hook shaft which is driven by the main motor. Hook plays an important role in forming the stitch. In chain stitch instead of hook, looper is used. Hook is divided into two parts – inner and outer hook. When needle is penetrated through the fabric along with sewing thread, a needle loop is created and hook has responsibility to catch that loop, rotate it around the periphery of the bobbin and interlace with the bobbin thread (lower thread).

In full rotary hook outer hook catches and scoops the needle thread to form stitches while in semi rotary hook, the needle thread is catch and scooped by inner hook. 

Types of hook –

DB horizontal full rotary hook

This hook is mounted vertically on the hook driving shaft. Hook driving shaft rotates two times when needle bar travels one time. Thus it is also called as horizontal two rotation hook. This kind of hook is used widely in the garment industry.

DP horizontal full rotary hook

It is mounted same as the DB type hook. But rotation is reverse to that of DB type. It is also called as horizontal two rotation hook. This is mainly used for zigzag sewing and embroidery sewing machines because perfect stitch can be obtained regardless of sewing direction

Vertical full rotary

This hook is mounted vertically and rotates two times when needle bar travels one time, thus also called as vertical two rotation hook. It is mainly created for two needle machine. It can also used for single needle for purpose of sewing heavy material.

Horizontal semi rotary

Horizontal semi rotary hook is suitable for heavy weight material. It can not used for high speed sewing because of it’s oscillating motion.

Shuttle hook

Shuttle hook is used for heavy weight material. It is suitable for stitching shoes, bags, etc. Herr stitches are well tighten. 

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